Kali Linux Introduction
Date: 2024-02-14
Difficulty: Beginner
Delivered By: Matthew Grove and Jacob Racklyeft
Kali Linux Introduction
Join us as we explore the tools Kali Linux provides - showing you how they can be used when penetration testing. Gone are the days of manually investigating everything. Plenty of tools exist to automate common processes and attacks, and, now that you have the base knowledge, it's time to show you some of the most useful!
We will explore:
🕵️ Common attack paths
🔨 Useful tooling
🦺 How to use tooling safely
Knowledge from prior sessions is helpful, but not required.
This sessions assumes that you are familiar with a Unix shell. If you are not but wish to take part, we highly recommend that you read the first three chapters of this crash course.
This session also requires Kali Linux. The easiest way to attempt it is to setup a Kali VM (described here).
Attempt the Hack the Box Labs or Natats or Bandit