Cryptography and MMCTF workshop
Date: 2025-02-19
Difficulty: Intermediate
Delivered By: SUCSS committee
Dave has created yet another website, so this week we have some more crypto challenges. We will also give a short presentation on making your own challenges for the MMCTF later this year. Making your own CTF challenges is a great thing to talk about during interviews and put on your CV, not to mention it's a fun experience. If you have any ideas for challenges, definitely give it a go! We'll be available to help with any ideas you may have and give tips on creating challenges.
If you do create a challenge, you can submit it here and it will be featured in the MMCTF, where everyone will have a chance to try it (and you can try everyone else's challenges).
- CyberChef, as usual.
- Cryptopals is a good introduction to crypto attacks and has many worked solutions available online.
Session Link
The crypto challenges are available at