
Date: 2023-02-13

Difficulty: Intermediate

Delivered By: Daniel Ledger


In this session we will introduce the field of Cryptography and a range of common cryptographic vulnerabilities and how to exploit them. Topics to be covered include:

  • Asymmetric Encryption (RSA, SRP)
  • Symmetric Encryption (AES)
  • Signatures (DSA)
  • Hashing (SHA-256)

This session will involve exploiting on said algorithms.


No prior knowledge is required for this session. Some challenges can be done simply with a web browser, others will require Hashcat and a scripting language, so having a working Kali VM is highly recommended.

If you haven't already installed Kali, please do so before the session:

Useful resources

  • cryptopals has a series of Cryptography challenges that inspired this session.
  • cyberchef is a useful tool akin to a "swiss army knife" of the web.