SQL is a programming language commonly used for administering databases. We will look at it from an SQL injection point of view in common web databases such as MySQL. Hence, it's good to know some basic commands and what they do.

Command Explanation Example
CREATE Use with terms 'database' or 'table' to make something. CREATE DATABASE testing;
SELECT Allows you to select data from a table. SELECT * from TESTING WHERE id=1;
UPDATE Update a row already in the table. UPDATE testing SET columnname='data' WHERE id=1;
INSERT Add a new row to the table. INSERT INTO testing (column1,column2,column3) VALUES ('data1','data2','data3');
DROP Remove anything in MySQL. DROP testing;
GRANT Make users and grant permissions in one. GRANT ALL on testing.* to 'cooluser'@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'mysuperawesomepassword';